Air Conditioning 

It is a common miss-preconception that air conditioning revolves entirely around the provision of cooling. Modern day air conditioning systems are capable of providing the most energy efficient method of heating to buildings during the winter, as well as cooling in the summer. These systems are called “Heat-pumps”. 
This is a fact recognized and backed by the government. Since the introduction of the climate change levy, where businesses are taxed on the amount of energy they use, a scheme has been introduced to reward businesses that invest in energy efficient technology.  
An “Enhanced Capital Allowance” of 100% in the first year applies to all UK tax paying companies that utilize heat-pump units as a way of reducing energy usage, which lowers carbon emissions, helps save the environment and improves your business cash flow. 
There are many aspects of a working building which need to be taken into consideration when deciding your air conditioning requirements: 
Building construction 
Equipment levels 
Lighting, etc. 
Each of these elements need to be assessed to ascertain what effect they will have on your working conditions, in order for you to operate efficiently. 
Design is an area where MADSON excel in providing a system that will match your requirements with that of the working building.